Sex Male
Buried Bohemian National Cemetery Montgomery, Le Sueur County, Minnesota
Person ID
Last Modified 09 Mar 2008
Father Frantisek SOKOL
Mother Anna SLECHTA
Group Sheet
Family1 Magedelena PEHYR, b. 1856, Sadska, Czechoslovakia
1. Elizabeth SOKOL, b. 16 Oct 1882, Sadska, Czechoslovakia | |
2. Joseph F SOKOL, b. 17 Mar 1885, Sadska, Czechoslovakia | |
3. Annie SOKOL, b. 8 Mar 1888 | |
4. Frank SOKOL, b. 5 Dec 1890 | |
5. Amalia SOKOL, b. 14 Sep 1892, Montgomery, Le Sueur County, Minnesota | |
6. Augusta SOKOL, b. 22 Aug 1894 | |
7. Fred SOKOL, b. 16 Dec 1898, Montgomery, Le Sueur County, Minnesota | |
8. A. SOKOL |
Last Modified 09 Mar 2008
Group Sheet
- Joseph E. Sokol and Magdelena Pehyr were married 1881 in Sadska, Czechoslovakia. They migrated to America in 1886. They first lived in Waterville, Minnesota. A town south of Montgomery, Minnesota. They moved from Waterville to Montgomery, where Josephopened a tailor shop. He was an apprenticed glass blower before he became a Master Tailor. His family lived over the tailor shop. He had a peg leg. He was a well educated man. He was fluent in German, Czech, and English. He was one of the founding fathers of the Bohemian National Cemetery, south of Montgomery. This is where the family is buried today.
Here is a letter that Joseph E. Sokol received dated Sep. 13, 1906 about some land that he owned in Wilber, Neb.
Jos.E. Sokol.
Be so good as to tell me what you would want for the 80 which you advertized in Oct? What kind of clay there is? How much swamp and how much money you want for the 80. What kind of payments, so if it wasn't expensive I would by it.
V.A. Pavlicek
R 4 Wilber Neb.
Saline Co.
Joseph E. Sokol is in the 1900 Census of Minnesota in Le Sueur Co. living with his family.
1900 Minnesota Le Sueur Montgomery TWP Series : T623 Roll: 773 Page: 159
Sokol Joseph E 45 M W Bohe MN Le Sueur Montgomery TWP 1900
Joseph E. Sokol head May 1855 45 years old M20
Mazdalin Sokol Wife Sep. 1856 43 years old M20
Joseph F. Sokol Son Mar 1885 15 years old
Frank Sokol Son Dec. 1891 8 years old
Emma Sokol Dau Apr 1892 7 years old
Gustave Soko Son Aug. 1894 5 years old
Fredrick Sokol Son Dec. 1898 2 years old.
Joseph E. Sokol is in t he 1910 census of Minnesota in Le Sueur Co. living with his family.
1910 Minnesota Le Sueur 1 -WD Montgomery Series: T624 Roll : 698 Page : 217
Sokol Jos E 54 M W Bohe MN La Sueur 1-WD Montgomery 1910
Joseph E. Sokol head 54 M W M29
Magdaline Sokol Wife 53 F W M29
August Sokol Son 15 M W
Freddy Sokol Son 11 M W
Joseph E. Sokol is in the 1920 census of Minnesota in Le Sueur Co living with his family.
1920 Minnesota LeSueur 1 - WD Montgomery Series: T625 Roll: 843 Page 134Sokol Joseph E 64 M W Bohe MN Le Sueur 1-WD Montgomery 1920
Joseph E. Sokol Head 64
Magdaline Sokol Wife 63
August Sokol Son 25
Marriage Certificate:
Marriage book: X a Page: 286 Country: Cechy District: Podebrady
Notation: None Name Status Occupation of Witnesses: Jan Pokorny Farmer of Sadska Vilem Richter Shoe Merchant of Sadska House # 5Age: 24 yrs. 4 mo. 10 days 30 years 8 mo. 11 days Status: Both Single Religion: Catholic
Name, Status, Occupation, Place of birth, Family name, Status Occupation, Place of birth of their Parents: Sokol Josef Master Tailor in Sadsks #49 Legitimate son of Frantisek Sokol Shoe merchant and towns Person of Sadska House #234 and his wife Anna born Slechta of Sadska House #204 area of Podebrady.
Magdalena Pehyr Legitimate daughter of Josef Pehyr Painter and Towns Person of Sadska house #293 and his wife Frantiska Snor of Hermanov Mestec House #123
Marriage announcements were held or not held: Were held Jan. 1881
Name of Priest: Ferdinand Zavicek, Chaplin
Day/Month/Year of Marriage/Church: Church of our Lord in Sadska January 18, 1881
by the signature of person below and Parish Seal:Rev. Jan Adamec Deacon Given in the Parish Office in Sadska, Day 19 January 1881
Letter from a niece in Sadska dated 11-24-1939
Our dear esteemed and loving Uncle,
Accept from us Sokol family from Sadska your birth town, many greetings. I like a youngest daughter Vera want to write you a few sentences about your birth country. Uncle first of all I want to thank you in my family's name for the calendar which we received 27 Feb. It always brings many memories of you. Are you still living in that far away country that we can only dream about? Often still comes to us often Mr. Jonak and thanks of the times you used to be together and were comrades. He is old already but healthy. My father not long ago was seventy in good health and doesn't even have one tooth out. Mother is healthy and I of all am single and at home. The other four daughter are married.
Uncle you must have read what terrible things fell upon our beautiful country which we all love and of which you think of across that ocean. Uncle it was terrible when it hung over us either war or lose part of our land rich in coal which we have to paydearly. About the 24 Sept. which is in our memory when the 23 Sept. evening when mobilization was announced. That was a terrible night, no one slept all men were to prepare for defense which is dearest to us, our freedom. That was a terrible night. How we waited what will be come of us. Everyone carried a gas mask over their shoulder. We would listen to announcements how to defend ourselves. It was determined within a week. Our dear president Dr. E. Benes was persuaded to sign an agreement and a large part of our country cech, moravian, and Slovakian was given away. The German started it all and Polish with Hungarians agreed also. Our men ground their teeth over this defeat and didn't like giving up their arms. It is a bad Uncle but take it this way or that if there was war it would be bad too and we might be defeated and they would break up our beautiful Praha. Many thousands of our business men from the Sudet which was given to Germany escaped to central Bohemia. Even today some are still not settled. They get some pay and are waiting for work. Hopefully God will see that things will work out in our small country. Not far from us Terezin and Litomerice is not ours. We are losing our world known as at Podebrady and Sadska. We have no factory so people have to look for work other places mainly Praha or on the farms. Here where stood the large sugar factory in Sadaka some influential person built himself a villa. He had a new well drilled and when they were deep a big amount of water shot out. The mineral water was very good the same vien as in Podebrad. Our water is called Sadska and is already well known in Europe as a curative water. It is very reasonable for us 11,50 H. before that it was free for us. It is very good for the stomach and from far away they come for it. Otherwise no other news are here. Worries are everywhere isn't it so but life goes on. Uncle now I end with greetings for you and yours. Be in good health and be among us many years. We will all be waiting for your loving letter greetings parents.
Sokol and Vera
From a meeting of the Bohemian National Cemetery in Montgomery MN. in 1883----1888
Lodge Edward Gregor number 72 Ceska Spolecne Podporujici Spolecnost decided to start a bohemian National Cemetery and it came to pass on Dec. 22, 1883. They bought one acre of land from Frank Houska for $75.00 for the Bohemian National cemetery. For the lack of enough members of the C.S.P.S. lodge and help at that time, they decided to sell that land to the Public for the same $75.00 and for the same reason, to make it the Bohemian National cemetery. The Public accepted this on July 8, 1885. The following officers were elected--- Mike Prochaska President, Frank Stanek Secretary, Joseph Kubat treasurer. The duty of these officers was to get a deed for this land in the name of Bohemain National Cemetery. But what happened is that the deed and all other papers in the county seat were made out the name of Edward Gregor number 72 C.S.P.S. $30.00 and the balance of $45.00 was paid by Lodge C.S.S. They took over 9 lots of land on this same cemetery for $5.00 a lot for members of Lodge 72 C.S.P.S. as there were nine members namely Joseph Dvorak, Mike Vondra, Frank Vondra, Thomas Kadlec, Frank Houska, Joseph Sokol, Joseph Havel, Joseph Batlik and Thomas Kukajzer. The above mentioned officers ran the things as they pleased from July 8, 1885 until September 15, 1888 without having meetings and without telling the Public about income and expenses. Some of the members got together and took away their powers of office and elected Mr. Joseph Sokol as temporary secretary and treasurer and gave him orders to buya ledger as the previous officers did not have any books for income and expense and no minutes of any meeting were recorded. Pro tem Secretary Joseph Sokol called a meeting October 24, 1888 at the Hall of Frank Stanek. The bills of the previous officers were on 2 pieces of paper and nobody knew how the finances of the officers were. At this meeting they elected all new officers-- Frank Sladek, president, Albert Loula, secretary, Joseph Sokol, treasurer. Treasurers bond was set at fifty #50.00. The new officers were instructed that the cemetery should be resurveyed and to make bigger lots and in between lots to have a little alleys or paths. A special meeting was called for March 28, 1889 by secretary Albert Loula. The new survey was accepted. It was voted that the owners of the lots if your wanted a contract of a lot or lots would have to pay for it themselves. Mr. Joseph Dvorak was allowed $4.00 for the survey and making #3.00 maps of the cemetery. Motion was made by Anton Rocka that the cemetery members meet at the cemetery on April 14, 1889 at nine in the morning for the purpose of planting some trees around the fence. Meeting was adjourned till the annual date in 1890.
Albert Loula Secetary
Title of land that Joseph Sokol got from Frantisek Sokol
Number 1204 District Court in Podebrady
Asked that in the land books 1898 of Sadska item 2769/2 Sadska Written: Frantisek Sokol Buther in Sadska
1. Agreement of 6 Feb. 1896 right ownership by Frantisek Sokol recorded in book 1898.
2. That 6 Feb. 1896, that 1/2 of this land belongs to Frantisek Sokol in the Village of Sadskaunder #20 for Frantisek Sokol as it lays. Notice is given to Frantisek Legal terms Sokol butcher of Sadska A.B. to Josef Sokol Tailor of America of the land of Fratisek Sokol now visiting in Sadska. belongs to Frantisek Sokol as it lays
District Court in Podebrady
day 16 Feb. 1896
Land court
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