I tried the e-mail shown below, but is does not appear to be active. I saw the below post on the internet and was curious. My ancestors came from Sadska and the last names are similar. My last name is Slechta the Latin spelling is Schlechta. My ancestors came to the US along with Hruska's, Anton I believe. I will have to check my notes. The name Donat is mentioned in some records I have. So I would like to converse more on these name.
Anton Hruska born Nov. 8, 1849 in Sadska, Bohemia--Father Antah Hruska, Mother Katherine Schleeta. Mary or Marie Donat born Nov. 19, 1850 in Sadska Ajchbury--Father Vaday Dohat, Mother Maria Spollsta.
email: - jolouguiliams@webtv.net - Posted 12 May 2000
Please e-mail me if this is information is familiar to you or you are the one who posted it.
Anton Hruska born Nov. 8, 1849 in
email: - jolouguiliams@webtv.net - Posted 12 May 2000
Please e-mail me if this is information is familiar to you or you are the one who posted it.
Thanks Paul
Hi Paul, I noticed your Sept 2009 post mention the Hruska name. Are you related to them or did they travel with your ancestors?!? I believe that is my gr gr grandfather (Anton). My dates match.
Are you Darwin's son??
Yes I am Darwyn's son. A Hruska from Waterville married my great great grandmother's sister (a Lalla). So I am related to some. That post I found was on another website and Katherine Schleeta seems close to Katherine Schlecta(which there are a number of Katherine's that are siblings to my ancestors). I have a researcher in the Czech Republic looking for info on the Slechta name. So far it turns out that any Slechta that has come from Sadska I am related to. So, if the Anton mentioned in the post I found, mother is a Slechta then I would be distantly related to more. So I was hoping the person who posted that might contact me so I could check dates.
Did you get my last message in response to yours??
I just got the one above that I responded to. Please e-mail me using the striked e-mail address above. It is striked only to prevent page scanners from grabbing my e-mail.
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