Monday, August 15, 2011

Found the Mahoney's

Had a good weekend.  I found the descendants of Barbara Alice Slechta Mahoney.  I had been missing the descendants of Barbara and her brother Thomas's branch in my family tree.  Well now I am just missing Thomas's.  This weekend I found the descendants of Barbara and was able to add some of their information to my tree.  I was able to contact one of her descendants and am now in the process of setting up a time to meet with her. 

We are the same age and both live in Minnesota, makes me wonder if we had ever met.  My parents would take my siblings and I to visit Barbara in Hastings, MN when we were growing up so it makes me wonder if ever our paths have crossed.  I do remember visiting her at her apartment, but it was small so us kids would leave the apartment and go to the common area and play with the toys  and whatever we could find.  I can remember a few times playing with other kids there, so you never know.

Now I have just to locate Thomas Slechta's descendants.  His children's names are Ruth, Maurice and Mary.

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