Monday, August 24, 2009

Mary Slechta - My Recollections

Something interesting happened to me this weekend, well it was interesting to me anyway. Sunday morning I had a few minutes before my wife, my youngest daughter and I had to leave for my nephews college graduation party. So I decide to do a little searching for information on the Slechta name. While searching I came across this.

PW 920 SLE

Slechta, Mary. My Recollections. Santa Ana, CA: FriisPioneer

Press, 1987.

I thought interesting someone wrote a book on their life's memories. I didn't think much more about it at the time.

So we went to my nephews party. When we got there my parents had already arrived and where already inside. So we went in and said hello to everyone. It was such a nice day the we decided to go sit out on the deck and have a drink. As we were talking and enjoying our drinks my dad asked how the research was going. I said pretty good, but it has slowed a little until after my oldest daughter wedding in October. He then said, your mother and I came home the other night and found this between their door and screen door. It was a book and they had no idea who left the book, but if you have not already guessed, it was the book from above (Mary Slechta - My Recollections).

My dad is currently reading it and when he is done will pass it along to me. He said the book depicts her life from when her parents moved from Bohemia to Croatia then to the United States. Her marriage to Alfred Slechta and other parts of her childhood. It also contains a number of photos of her and Alfred's before and after they met.

I intend read the book and summarize what I read on my blog. I will also put all the publisher information here as well for anyone interested in finding and reading a copy of the book.

Paul Slechta

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