Saturday, April 26, 2008

Meaning of Slechta

Here is some interesting information.
- the czech word "šlechta" means in english "aristokracy" or "nobility"
- as much as I was able to learn, in Bohemia there did exist a minimum 3 aristokracy families
       - Slechta of Vsehrdy (old family since 15th century)
       - Slechta of Hrochov ( young family, aristokracy till beginning 1859)
       - Slechta of Mitenperk (listed only in 16th century)
I also found that the Czech spelling of Hruska is Hruška.

Express yourself wherever you are. Mobilize!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Anna Slechta

I also got in contact with some of Anna (Slechta) Grubich's descendants.  They are helping me with her family information.  I still need much more information on her descendants, but I am getting there.

Back to work after baby– how do you know when you're ready?

Czech History

I had a Czech Genealogist research Thomas Slechta and his family and ancestors.  He just got back to me with Thomas's parents, grandparents and siblings.   It looks as though there may be more information to get, but it will have to wait for awhile,  I spent my budget for the year.

Found Mary Slechta Descendants

I have recently found the descendants of Mary Slechta.  Her one and only grandson is living in South Dakota.  I had the pleasure of visiting he and his wife and they were able to fill in all the information for their family.