Friday, June 27, 2008

Agnes Slechta's descendants

Yesterday I had the pleasure of visiting Agnes (Slechta) Hancuh's daughter Angela.  I met her at her daughter Alice's home.  I had a great visit with Angela, her daughter Alice and Alice's husband Bob.  Angela was able to identify a few pictures that were unknown and provide some bits of information that will help me track down more missing information and family members.  I have a few more people to visit and I hope they can provide information to some of the unknown pictures I have. 
Oh!  If you are reading this and have not provided me with your information and photos, please contact me.  That is if you are a descendant or a spouse of a descendant of Thomas and Anna Slechta.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

More Old Photos

A few weeks ago I went to visit Wayne Prosch again.  He had some photos of his grandmother (Anna Slechta) for me to scan.  He also had a bag of old photos that he let me take and go through.  They helped me put names to photos I had, but did not have names to.  There where also many photos in there that I did not have.  Of course there where many that had no names on them, so my unknown photo list got larger.  Some of the photos are really old and I fear that they will never get a name to them.

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